Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Katarara Primary

A note hanging in the teacher room where they have to set up the computers each time they use them. 

Ms OB and two of the teachers from Katarara 

Here are some pics from day 2 teaching computer skills- today mostly educational games on CDs we brought from home. 

And we learned about SODIS water purification using the energy of the sun to decontaminate water for the children. Supplies needed:  water bottles and corrugated metal roofing. After learning how to sanitize the water, I will be having the Environmental Science classes running experiments with SODIS using a system I am going to build outside the Solaium!!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I know of a 6th grader or 2 who might be interested in your pics and future research results on SODIS as evidence that it's a viable water purification method as part of their upcoming research project on solutions to the world-wide water crisis. Very cool!
