Monday, August 19, 2013

What might a Watkinson trip to Uganda look like?

Watkinson Science and Service trip scenario:

While there are many possibilities resulting from the work of a number of people, here is a sample agenda.

Day 1
Fly into Entebbe airport, perhaps via another city that allows for a brief tour (we were in Cairo, for example)

Day 2
Spend a day or so to get over the 7 hour time change and up to 20 hour journey.
Have a nice Ugandan meal

Day 3-6
Travel  to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, and shadow a ranger, repair trails, ride the fences, learning about conservation, threats to Rhinos, and reintroduction programs.
Day 7
Continue to Budongo Forest to do a species survey in the forest, recording Rain Forest plants, invertebrates, and mammals such as Red faced monkey, Tree hyrax and Chimpanzee. Travel to Red Chili Rest Stop for the night.

Day 8
Cross the Nile to the savannah, morning game drive featuring elephants, giraffes, etc.
Take a boat to the bottom of the Falls, and trek up to the top—amazing!
Night back at Red Chili
Day 9
Cross back into the park for a Game drive with a species census.
Spend night in the Park bush camping (with a  Ranger)
Night safari—see the nocturnal life of East Africa

Day 10
Back to Kampala
(yes, it takes most of a day)

Day 11
Tour Kampala—see the Royal Tomb, visit a Market

Day 12-14
Visit Good Shepherd home in Busega, and volunteer helping orphans

Day 15-16
Visit Good Shepherd’s orphanage in Mengo for girls.
Afternoon activity of some sort

Day 17
Travel to Field Research Station
Field Work, if time permits

Day 18
Field Work

Day 19
Visit Queen Elizabeth and Ishasha. 
Game Drive, species census and visit to Ishasha wilderness—home of treeclimbing lions

Day 20-21
Return to Kampala for last night, Fly home

1 comment:

  1. Sign me up for the rhino sanctuary! It all sounds great.

