Saturday, August 10, 2013

A Oaxacan breakfast as a send-off to Uganda. Chilaquiles by Mary OBrien!

via Facebook

1 comment:

  1. OK Jen - I imagined the late packing adventure - hope you sleep on the plane and catch up some after your whirlwind summer of work. Please send Mary my way if she needs to continue practicing her culinary wizardry - you know, just to get the recipe perfect! What a sweet send-off.
    I have just read through the first posts. With thanks to Andy for the recap of his Uganda read and the questions it raises about Africa,us and the depth of misunderstanding between the cultures. I hope for your safety from the flies and look forward to all the humor, the images (quite a start on the first one!) and keen observations I know we will find in your posts.Go well.
